BUFF is giving back
We are lucky for so many reasons. Our family is healthy happy and active. The kids have gotten their fathers athletic ability (thank goodness) and have excelled at all sports they try. We have a happy and healthy herd of bison at Big Rock Bison and we are in the throws what hopes to be an amazing summer! We understand that is not the case for all families and would like to help. Organized sport can be a wonderful experience for children but it does often come with some financial burden. So much so that a lot of kids are unable to take part in organized sport because of it. BUFF is dedicated to active lifestyles for everyone. “We believe that no kid should be left on the sidelines and all should be given the opportunity to experience the positive benefits of organized sports. KidSport provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sport.” And we couldn’t agree more. With your support we will be helping kids play!!
KidSport does a wonderful job of summing it up……
KidSport believes in the values and benefits of kids playing organized sport and we know that sport will provide them with the opportunity to:
- Become physically active
- Improve their self-esteem and self-confidence
- Learn life-long skills
- Improve their academic performance
- Make new friends
- Share and celebrate their culture
- Contribute to a strong, healthy community
Having confident, skilled, social and healthy kids cannot be a bad thing! So we are pretty excited to see where this partnership takes us and how many kids we can all help together. Don’t forget it will be because of your online orders that we can donate at all. $1.00 from every online sale will be going toward kidsport. www.kidsportcanada.ca
We want to thank you in advance for your order and helping us support KidSport