Eat Local - Healthy Bison Meat Snack Sticks - BUFF

Eat Local

Eat Local

We have been a happy participant of Eat Local Grey Bruce since its inception last year. They are fully underway and as we support all “eat local” initiatives we are so excited for BUFF to be a part of it!

What an amazing thing to go to an online store and be able to order everything from bulk grains and local organic eggs and veggies, to free range meat and speciality bakery items. And don’t forget to order your BUFF! We were just added as the newest vendor and we really encourage all of our BUFF friends to look into any local eat share program to participate. Especially Eat Local Grey Bruce! They cover a huge area and offer delivery as well as central pick up locations!

If there is another eat local initiative in your area please let us know. or We would love to be a part of it!


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